Eilish Neilly

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Eilish Neilly

Communications Assistant

Eilish is an outdoor enthusiast, passionate about creative endeavors through many mediums.  Always striving to engage others in nature, she leads outdoor education programs to vulnerable youth at a local charity.  In recent years, Eilish has taken a keen interest in forestry – and has planted over a hundred thousand trees across Southern and Northern Ontario.  She supported the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority through various contracts in Aquatic Monitoring, Ecosystem Restoration and administrative work at the Kortright Centre for Conservation.  Through her experiences in aquatic management, she recognized the importance of healthy rivers and lakes in Toronto, which led to her interest in A Greener Future.    

Eilish studied Environmental Management at the University of Guelph.  In her free time, she enjoys exploring Canada and photography.   Her passion for giving back to the community lies within non-profit and charity organizations due to their rewarding and authentic values. She is excited to be collaborating with A Greener Future, bringing her environmental awareness and creative eye!