Litter Art Project
Home / Programs / Litter Art Project / Sarah Larock
Sarah Larock
Sealed for Freshness, 2020
Life Among Litter: Frenchman's Bay #1, 2020
Life Among Litter: Frenchman's Bay #2, 2020
Mycelium, 2020, mixed media; glass, plastic, styrofoam, LED lights
Life Among Litter: Frenchman's Bay #3, 2020
Mycelium, 2020, mixed media; glass, plastic, styrofoam, LED lights
Lake Ontario Ecology Specimen Case, 2021, found objects, acrylic paint, mixed media
This series of sculptural pieces evoke the feeling of exploring a natural history museum, looking at an exhibition about Lake Ontario and the surrounding wetlands, as represented by a series of dioramas and diorama-like objects small enough to fit in your hand. The smaller pieces are meant to be picked up, or at least to be looked at in three dimensions, to find all the hidden details. These pieces are meant to play with scale and how the ecosystem and its health are not always immediately obvious. From six feet away these pieces, like the Lake Ontario shoreline, seem lush and green and natural. Up close, you notice how much trash is part of that landscape. These objects are made entirely of reclaimed beach trash. I want the viewer to linger, to explore, to discover, and ultimately, to feel joy at the beauty of nature and passion for keeping it clean.
Sarah Larock is a mixed-media artist. She often makes art out of things people don't find beautiful: bones, rocks, shed snake skin, jam jars, tin cups washed up on the beach. She explores her spiritual and intellectual fascination with nature by creating beautiful collections of natural and artificial materials. She also does acrylic and watercolour paintings, digital illustration, and some photography. She was drawn to the Litter Art project by her lifelong love of southern Ontario wetlands and lakes.
Sarah is a queer cis woman with an M.A. in Criminology and Sociolegal Studies from the University of Toronto and a decade of experience working with 2SLGBTQ youth. Currently, Sarah works for the AIDS Committee of Durham Region doing HIV education and prevention with youth. She also plays a lot of D&D and writes spooky YA fantasy stories.
Sarah can be reached by email at sclarock@gmail.com or by DM at on Instagram at @SarahTihane where you can also look at more of her art, sewing, and beautiful rescue dog.
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